Halfpint Hollow
Registered Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys
Dapper Dan, Cyder's
Dapper is a short, stocky, extremely well balanced smokey black jack with a nice wide chest, round rump, and a straight back. He often throws the red gene he inherited from his famous sire, Foxworthy. Dapper's loving personality makes working with him a pleasure. b. 9-5-2006 mature height: 30 1/2”
Cyder's Darla x LN Foxworthy
Smokey Black Jack
DOB: 9-5-06
30 ½”
Sire: LN Foxworthy, 31 ¼” Dark Red Jack
Grand Sire: LN Nicolodeon, 32” Brown/Gray-Dun
Grand Dam: LN Foxy Nicolina, 32” Dark Red
Dam: Cyder’s Darla, Brown
Grand Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset, 32 1/2” Dark Red Jack
Grand Dam: Cyder’s Cherokee, 34 ½” Dark Brown
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Spartakos, Halfpint Hollow

Spartakos has a very wide chest, correct legs, and a gorgeous rich red coloring passed down from many well known red jacks. His lineage includes Black Russian, Red Lightening, The Fireman, and Foxworthy. Spartakos still gives the same great donkey hugs he gave us as a foal.
b. 6-7-2011
mature height: 32”
Heiken's Ark Sunee Fox x Sunset Acres Soda Pop
Sire: Sunset Acres Soda Pop, 32” Dark Red
Grand Sire: Circle C Black Russian, 31” Black w/cross
Grand Dam: Sunset Acres Gabby, 31 ½ “ Dark Red
Dam: Heiken’s Ark Sunee Fox, Dark Red
Grand Sire: LN Flaming Fox, 31 5/8 “Red
Grand Dam: Heiken’s Ark Summer, 33 ½ “ Dark Brown
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Luciano, My World

We added this little 29” proven red jack from Ass-pirin Acres to our herd for breeding
some of our smaller jennets. What impressed us most was even though he is small, he is
evenly balanced with a great conformation. He has rugged legs, a wide stance and wide
chest. His gene pool includes Arbor Ledge Little Red, LN’s Red Sonfire and Rising Son,
and My World Mork, Mindy, and Buster.
b. 8-19-2004
mature height: 29”
My World June Bug x Ass-pirin Acres Andiamo
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Midnight Magnum, PDF

Magnum is extremely well balanced with a showy appearance, taking after his National Champion sire Sunset Acres Smart Derby. Like Smart Derby, Magnum is also jet black with contrasting white points. Disposition-wise, he is very mellow and affectionate.
b. 7-31-2014
mature height: 31”
Colton's Bailey x Sunset Acres Smart Derby
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Luigi, Halfpint Hollow

Luigi is a solid stellar little donkey with excellent conformation, including a small beautiful head. He
carries forward the best of his pedigree as well as red genes from both the LN and the My World lines.
Luigi has a very affectionate personality.
b. 5-4-2015
mature height: 29 1/8”
Grand River Ella Bea x My World Luciano
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Eric the Red, The Elm's [Reference Sire]
Eric the Red was a proven jack, throwing beautiful, well conformed offspring, first for The Elms, then Hills Haven, then for us at Halfpint Hollow. He was a gorgeous animal with nice correct legs, wide chest, bright red coat, and a big heart from a lineage out of DiDi and Red Synnamon going back to Red Beau and Valintino 50. We loved him and miss him dearly.
June 17, 2000 - February 13, 2012
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Soda Pop, Sunset Acres [Reference Sire]
Poppy was 10 yrs. old in this picture when we had him on loan from his present owners, the Mitchells. His pedigree is phenomenal with Black Russian as his sire, Red Lightening as one grand-sire and The Fireman as his other grand-sire.
Poppy has a very straight back, wide chest, correct legs, and gorgeous russet coloring.
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